
Scheduled maintenance between Wed, Feb 12, 12:00 and Fri, Feb 14, 17:30 PT (between Wed, Feb 12, 20:00 and Sat, Feb 15, 01:30 UTC) to deploy and test changes and bring Korea mirror back up. No significant downtime is expected but some downloads may fail and need to be retried.

Contribute I/O Trace Data Files

Contributing an I/O Trace Data file to the IOTTA Repository requires that you agree to all of the licensing terms specified within the SNIA Trace Data Files Contributor License.

I/O Trace Data files can be submitted to SNIA electronically or on physical media. The "Contribute Traces FAQs" provides additional information about the overall requirements and the procedure associated with contributing I/O Trace Data files to the IOTTA Repository.

You can speed the publication of your traces by following some simple procedures for preparing and documenting your traces.

Once the SNIA has received both the accepted license agreement and the I/O Trace Data file, your I/O Trace Data file submission will be reviewed and, upon approval, be made available for public download from the SNIA IOTTA Repository under the licensing terms of the SNIA Trace Data Files Download License.

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