IOTTA Repository Home
The SNIA IOTTA Repository is a collaborative effort sponsored by the Storage Networking Industry Association's Input/Output Traces, Tools, and Analysis Technical Work Group (IOTTA TWG). The primary goal of this collaboration is to create a worldwide repository for storage-related I/O trace files, associated tools, and other related information, all of which are made available free of charge to the storage research and development communities in both academia and industry.
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Begin downloading trace data files. Links to the specific
trace types can always be found on the left. If any problems arise, please
report them using the
Contact Us form.
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September 10, 2024: New traces: We have posted synthetic parallel traces donated by Google.
Get Involved!
Contribute to the IOTTA Repository
Additional I/O Trace Data
files can help extend and enhance the IOTTA Repository content,
increase the viability of the IOTTA Repository, and broaden its value
to the storage community. You can make a difference! Contribute your
I/O Trace Data files to the IOTTA Repository, and encourage others to
do likewise.
Become an IOTTA TWG Member
Becoming an active participant
within the IOTTA TWG is a great way to help visibly promote and
further improve the IOTTA Repository. Moreover, your efforts and
commitment can have a direct impact upon the IOTTA Repository,
including future directions.
Ways You Can Help
There are a number of other ways that you
can help the IOTTA Repository.