
Scheduled maintenance between Wed, Feb 12, 12:00 and Fri, Feb 14, 17:30 PT (between Wed, Feb 12, 20:00 and Sat, Feb 15, 01:30 UTC) to deploy and test changes and bring Korea mirror back up. No significant downtime is expected but some downloads may fail and need to be retried.

Joining the SNIA IOTTA TWG

To join the IOTTA TWG, you must be a member of SNIA.  IOTTA TWG membership is open to any SNIA member (including Company, Non-Profit Organization, and Individual members).  The SNIA web site provides specific information about becoming a SNIA member and joining a SNIA TWG.

Becoming an active participant within the IOTTA TWG is a great way to help visibly promote and further improve the IOTTA Repository.  Moreover, your efforts and commitment can have a direct impact upon the IOTTA Repository, including future directions.

For addition information about the IOTTA TWG, please see "About IOTTA TWG".

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