
Scheduled maintenance between Wed, Feb 12, 12:00 and Fri, Feb 14, 17:30 PT (between Wed, Feb 12, 20:00 and Sat, Feb 15, 01:30 UTC) to deploy and test changes and bring Korea mirror back up. No significant downtime is expected but some downloads may fail and need to be retried.

Static Snapshots

Static Snapshots are traces taken statically of a file system rather than of system calls.

The following traces are free to download under the terms of the SNIA Trace Data Files Download License. Please note that cookies must be enabled within your browser in order to download traces.
For questions about downloading using a shell script, see Using Shell Scripts, and for more information about downloading using a Windows batch script, see Using Batch Scripts.

Trace Name Details Details Related Tools Year Recorded Timespan Record Count File Size Actions
Docker Registry Traces Traces obtained by collecting long-span production-level traces from five datacenters in IBM Cloud container registry service during 2017. The traces and trace player tool are further described in the README. Traces from Improving Docker Registry Design based on Production Workload Analysis by Ali Anwar et al. The traces can be replayed using the Docker Registry Trace Player tool. 2017 3 months 40.9 Million 1.55 GB
FSL-Dedup Traces Traces related to the paper Generating realistic datasets for deduplication analysis by Vasily Tarasov, Amar Mudrankit, Will Bulk, Philip Shilane, Geoff Kuenning, Erez Zadok, appearing in Proceedings of the 2012 USENIX conference on Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '12). Traces from Generating realistic datasets for deduplication analysis by Vasily Tarasov et al. The traces can be replayed using the FS-Hasher tool. 2011 - 2016 almost 5 years 708 Billion 5.14 TB

Displaying all 2 items

WARNING: These traces are over 10 years old! They should not be used for modern research!

The following traces are free to download under the terms of the SNIA Trace Data Files Download License. Please note that cookies must be enabled within your browser in order to download traces.
For questions about downloading using a shell script, see Using Shell Scripts, and for more information about downloading using a Windows batch script, see Using Batch Scripts.

Trace Name Details Details Actions
UBC-Dedup Traces collected for the paper "A Study of Practical Deduplication" by Dutch T. Meyer and William J. Bolosky of The University of British Columbia and Microsoft Research Several scans of 857 file systems at Microsoft Scans vary with respect to hash type, block size and contents of metadata. 2009 4 months 3.4 TB
Microsoft Longitudinal Study Because of the size of the traces, they have been repackaged by IOTTA into 22 zip files. Each zip files contains information from the original snapshot, directory, and file info files, repackaged by user. More information on how the files were repackaged can be found in the readme-iotta.txt file found in each zip file. The raw data used for the FAST 2007 paper "A Five Year Study Of File System Metadata" by Nitin Agarwal, William J. Bolosky, John R. Douceur, and Jacob R. Lorch. There are five years worth of snapshot data, for years from 2000 to 2004. 2000 - 2004 over 4 years 5 Billion 91.1 GB
Multimedia file sizes File-size data collected for the paper "A Study of Irregularities in File-Size Distributions". File-size data collected on various OSes, including measurements of multimedia files. This trace has no related tools yet. 2001 21 days 17.1 MB
Plan 9 Traces This is a time series set of "snapshots" of the contents of the Plan 9 file servers at Bell Labs. One snapshot per day for over ten years. The snapshots were taken on two different machines: bootes and emelie. See the Venti paper for more information. This is a time series set of "snapshots" of the contents of the Plan 9 file servers at Bell Labs. One snapshot per day for a number of years. See the Venti paper for more information. 1990 - 2001 about 11 years 0 Bytes
Microsoft 1998 Static Study Static analysis of 10,568 file systems on 4801 workstations at Microsoft. This data formed the basis for the paper "A Large-Scale Study of File-System Contents" by John R. Douceur and William J. Bolosky, published in ACM SIGMETRICS 1999. Static snapshot of 4800 PCs at Microsoft. 1998 8 days 153 Million 3.73 GB
Displaying all 5 items

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