
Scheduled maintenance between Wed, Feb 12, 12:00 and Fri, Feb 14, 17:30 PT (between Wed, Feb 12, 20:00 and Sat, Feb 15, 01:30 UTC) to deploy and test changes and bring Korea mirror back up. No significant downtime is expected but some downloads may fail and need to be retried.


A Technical Work Group (TWG) is a subject-focused group that has been chartered by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) to carry out the original technical work of the SNIA organization. Each TWG, which consists of volunteers from the SNIA membership, is tasked with various work items that are reviewed and sanctioned by the SNIA Technical Council.

The primary focus of the "I/O Traces, Tools and Analysis (IOTTA)" TWG is to create a worldwide repository for storage-related I/O traces, associated tools and other related information. Contemporary I/O traces of application workloads along with the analysis and definition of common, recommended formats and semantics for I/O traces are also specific areas of focus for the IOTTA TWG. Standardized I/O trace formats and semantics will enable the development and use of common I/O trace collection and analysis tools as well as facilitate the sharing of the I/O traces themselves.

The IOTTA TWG has been officially chartered by the SNIA Technical Council to establish the "IOTTA Repository".

Additional information about the IOTTA TWG and other SNIA technical activities can be found upon the SNIA web site.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the target audience of the IOTTA TWG?

The IOTTA TWG is for those interested in the use of empirical data/metrics to better understand the actual operation and performance characteristics of storage I/O, especially as they pertain to application workloads. This includes not only storage vendors but also storage users as well as those within the academic community who are performing research related to storage I/O and storage devices.

What is required to join the IOTTA TWG?

To join the IOTTA TWG, you must be a member of SNIA. The SNIA web site provides information about becoming a SNIA member and joining a SNIA TWG.

Becoming an active participant within the IOTTA TWG is a great way to help visibly promote and further improve the IOTTA Repository. Moreover, your efforts and commitment can have a direct impact upon the IOTTA Repository, including future directions.

Member Links