
Scheduled maintenance between Wed, Feb 12, 12:00 and Fri, Feb 14, 17:30 PT (between Wed, Feb 12, 20:00 and Sat, Feb 15, 01:30 UTC) to deploy and test changes and bring Korea mirror back up. No significant downtime is expected but some downloads may fail and need to be retried.

FAQs for Downloading Trace Files

What are the licensing terms for downloading I/O Trace Data files?

The SNIA Trace Data Files Download License specifies the licensing terms for all I/O Trace Data files obtained from the IOTTA Repository. These licensing terms must be accepted in order to download the I/O Trace Data files from the IOTTA Repository.

Are there any restrictions or limitations as to how I can use the I/O Trace Data files from the IOTTA Repository?

The SNIA Trace Data Files Download License allows you to use the I/O Trace Data files without restriction. This same permission for unrestricted use also applies to any redistribution of the I/O Trace Data files.

What is required in order to download an I/O Trace Data file from the IOTTA Repository?

In order to download the I/O Trace Data files from the IOTTA Repository, you must follow the download procedure outlined below. This procedure:

  1. Requires that "cookies" be enabled within your browser.
  2. Requires that you accept all of the licensing terms of the "SNIA Trace Data Files Download License".
  3. Requires that you provide your name and affiliation along with your e-mail address. SNIA reserves the right to provide IOTTA Repository Content Providers with statistical information regarding the information that you provide along with access to and use of the IOTTA Repository Content contributed by the Provider.

How do I download an I/O Trace Data file?

The basic procedure for downloading a particular I/O Trace Data file is:

  1. Ensure that "cookies" are enabled within your browser.
  2. Find the particular I/O Trace Data file that you want to download. The I/O Trace Data files available for download are listed under "Traces".
  3. Read the displayed licensing terms of the "SNIA Trace Data Files Download License".
  4. Provide your name, affiliation, and e-mail address as required. To help us better determine the utility and value of the I/O Trace Data file that you are downloading, please fill in the remaining optional fields of the "Downloader Information" form.
  5. Click on the "Yes, I Accept" button to accept the download licensing terms. Note that the I/O Trace Data file can not be downloaded unless you accept the download licensing terms.
  6. Click on the indicated download link to save the I/O Trace Data file to the location that you specify.

Is there a limit to the number of I/O Trace Data files that I can download from the IOTTA Repository?

No, you can download any number of I/O Trace Data files from the IOTTA Repository following the procedure described above.

Are the I/O Trace Data files available on disc?

No, currently the IOTTA Repository supports direct electronic downloads only.

Why do some traces take me to a different Web site?

Sometimes, we are unable to obtain permission to host a particular trace at the IOTTA Repository. In other cases, a trace might be too large for us to store a copy. When one of those things happens, we will list the trace in our database but provide an off-site link so that users can still find the trace through us.

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